
The Muon spectrometer....

About the Muon Spectrometer:

The ALICE forward muon spectrometer studies the complete spectrum of heavy quarkonia via their decay in the muon channel. Heavy quarkonium states, provide an essential tool to study the early and hot stage of heavy-ion collisions. In particular they are expected to be sensitive to Quark-Gluon Plasma formation. In the presence of a deconfined medium (i.e. QGP) with high enough energy density, quarkonium states are dissociated because of colour screening. This leads to a suppression of their production rates. At the high LHC collision energy, both the charmonium states as well as the bottomonium states can be studied. The Dimuon spectrometer is optimized for the detection of these heavy quark resonances.


Design and architechture of the Muon Spectrometer

Muon Spectrometer data

Muon Spectrometer logbook


List of papers published using Muon Spectrometer data (mentioning PAs) and list of ongoing analyses